Factors Affecting Seismic Levee Performance: Case Study from 2007 Niigata, Japan Earthquake
Sponsored by the California Department of Water Resources
In California, it is common practice to analyze the seismic response of levees using Newmark sliding block analysis procedures, which are intended to evaluate
permanent shear deformations (DRMS, 2009). However, actual displacement mechanisms remain poorly
understood and the Newmark procedure may not be an effective
simplified procedure for this complex problem. This poor
understanding of how to simulate levee response is rooted in
unusually sparse observations of levee performance during past
earthquakes. Geotechnical engineers typically work towards
analysis procedures for various problems based on observed field
performance during earthquakes; lacking such data we can only
speculate on how to evaluate these hazards. The general
objective of this project is to begin to fill this knowledge gap
using levee performance data from the 2007 Niigata, Japan
earthquake. Numerous levees were strongly shaken during this
earthquake, and data on the performance of those levees was
gathered by the jurisdictional government agencies. We propose a two-step research plan
for this project. First, we propose to generate a GIS database
of the Niigata study region containing levee locations, levee height, data on levee performance prior to and following the
Niigata event, geologic descriptions of the surficial materials
underlying the levees, and ground shaking intensity.
Second, having compiled the database, we will “mine” the data to
identify conditions giving rise to relatively high rates of
levee damage. For example, we would expect levee deformations to
increase with levee height and ground shaking level, and to have
some dependence on the foundation soil condition as well.
Such relationships will be quantified as a result of this research, and its products will include the database established using
Google Earth and a written report. The report will provide an assessment of factors that
influence damage rates in levees, typical levee deformation modes, an identification of candidate sites for more detailed,
follow-up investigations in subsequent research, and the results of the interviews on emergency response and levee seismic
design procedures in Japan.