Linear Site Response Model Applicable to Levees in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Region of California

Tristan E. Buckreis1, Pengfei Wang1, Ph.D., Scott J. Brandenberg1, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, & Jonathan P. Stewart1, Ph.D, P.E., F.ASCE

1. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 420 Westwood Plaza, 5731 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, herein referred to as the Delta, is located in California’s Central Valley, roughly 50 km east of the San Francisco Bay area. Roughly 700,000 acres of land within the Delta are protected by more than 1,770 km of levees, which also serve as a conduit for approximately two-thirds of the State’s drinking water supply. Vital transportation, utility, and communication lifelines cross the patchwork of subsided islands, which are protected by the levees.

Before the lands were reclaimed, the area was a great tidal freshwater marsh. As the wetland vegetation died, the plant matter was only able to partially decay before the material became submerged and/or overgrown leaving organic deposits known as peat. The thickness of these organic deposits vary across the Delta, reaching up to 15 m in some areas. Many of the Delta levees were constructed atop these peaty deposits, as illustrated schematically in Figure 1.

Schematic cross-section of a typical Delta levee.
Figure 1. Typical cross-section of Delta levee.

In 2009 the Delta Risk Management Strategy (DRMS) conducted a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for the Delta and concluded that seismic events pose a significant hazard to the Delta levees; this conclusion has since been reinforced by recent research efforts (Wong et al. 2021). The peaty soils affect risk in two ways: (1) seismic demand as a result of site amplification of ground motions and (2) ground motion deformation potential associated with permanent shear and/or volumetric deformations. Sites with peat may be characterized as having 30-m time-averaged shear wave velocities, VS30, in the range of 100 to 200 m/s, which is softer than the lower limit for NGA-West2 ergodic site response models. We suspect these models to poorly capture the true behavior of such soft soil sites, therefore this work is concerned with investigating the (linear) site response of soft peaty organic soil sites in the Delta region.

Data Selection

We assembled a ground motion database that significantly expands upon the NGA-West2 database for California events and sites. From this larger database we extracted 526 ground motions recorded by 45 seismic instruments located within the Delta jurisdictional boundaries corresponding to 68 events with a wide range of source-to-site azimuths (shown in Figure 2). We only consider motions produced by events with moment magnitudes M>4 to avoid difficulties that may be encountered in the analysis of site terms using smaller magnitude data. Additionally, magnitude-distance cutoffs suggested by (Boore et al. 2014; BSSA14) were considered during record selection, horizontal components are combined to median-component (RotD50) intensity measures, and a lowest usable frequencies are enforced.

Map of California/Nevada showing locations of earthquakes and seismic stations in the Delta with an inset zoomed in map of the Delta.
Figure 2. Map of the locations of earthquakes and seismic stations which have produced ground motions used in this study.
Characterization of Peaty Delta Sites

Site-specific VS30 were computed at sites with a measured VS profile obtained from a VS profile database (Ahdi et al. 2018). Proxy-based models were used to assign VS30 values at sites without measurements. At sites where peaty deposits are not suspected to be encountered we assigned VS30 by combining the geologic- and topographic-based proxy value (Thompson 2018) (2/3 weight) and terrain-based proxy value (Yong et al. 2012) (1/3 weight). These models are not well calibrated for organic soils, therefore we developed a regional proxy model based on peat thickness and site condition (free-field or levee) for sites where peat is expected to be encountered:

\begin{equation} \ln{(\bar{V}_{S30})} = \mu_{\ln{V_{S30}}} + C(t_p -\mu_{t_p}) \pm \epsilon_n \sigma \label{(1)} \end{equation}

where μlnVS30 and μtp represent the mean lnVS30 value (in m/s) and peat thickness (in m) for the given site condition, respectively; tp represents the thickness of peat (in m); C quantifies the correlation between lnVS30 and tp; σ represents the model standard deviation; and εn is the fractional number of standard deviations of a single predicted value away from the mean.

Table 1. VS30-peat thickness proxy model coefficients.

Site Condition μlnVS30 C (m-1) μtp (m) σ
Free-Field 5.0095 0.0881 3.5098 0.2886
Levee 5.0974 0.0281 2.6280 0.3035
Proposed VS30 peat thickness-base proxy model for the Delta region.
Figure 3. Proposed VS30 peat thickness-base proxy model for the Delta region.

Our aim is to evaluate site response in the Bay-Delta region from empirical data, and then use the observed site response effects to investigate its dependence on readily available site parameters (e.g., VS30, peat thickness, etc.). We apply procedures for evaluating non-ergodic site response effects from ground motion recordings (Stewart et al. 2017), which utilize residuals analyses. We begin by computing total residuals, Rij, between the observed ground motion recorded at site i from event j and a prediction from an ergodic ground motion model (e.g., BSSA14). Through the use of mixed-effects analyses, we partition Rij into a fixed-effect (ck which represents the overall model bias) and various random-effects: (1) an event term, ηEi, which contains systematic source effects; (2) a site term, ηSj, which contains systematic site effects; and (3) the remaining residual, εij, which contains any remaining unattributed effects.

\begin{equation} R_{ij} = c_k + \eta_{Ei} + \eta_{Sj} + \epsilon_{ij} \label{(2)} \end{equation}

Non-ergodic site response is computed using ηSj. To minimize bias for each site we use only data from sites with more than four observations and whose ηSj standard errors, SEηSj, are below a threshold value. This period-dependent threshold was determined as the mean SEηSj plus two standard deviations computed from 755 sites which have recorded 10 or more ground motions in our expanded database. Out of the 45 sites in the Delta, 33 satisfy this selection criterion with a corrosponding VS30 range from about 100 to 400 m/s.

We compute the observed linear site response for each site, f1, as the sum of ηSj and the linear site amplification from the ergodic site response model described by Seyhan and Stewart (2014; SS14), FS. The dependence of f1 on VS30 is then examined and a linear site response model is developed using least-squares regression.

Functional Form

To this point, we have only investigated the dependence of site response in the region with VS30. We adopt a mulit-linear functional form to capture the observed VS30-scaling at soft soil sites which transitions to SS14 for stiffer soil conditions which are not typically encountered in the Delta:

\begin{equation} F_{lin}(V_{S30}) = \begin{cases} c_{low} \ln{(\frac{V_{S30}}{V_1})} + Δc \ln{(\frac{V_1}{V_{ref}})} + A, \text{ }\text{ }\text{ } V_{S30} \leq V_1 \\ Δc \ln{(\frac{V_{S30}}{V_{ref}})} + A, \quad\qquad\qquad\qquad V_1 < V_{S30} \leq 400 \text{ m/s} \\ m \log_{10}(V_{S30}) + b, \qquad\qquad\quad\quad\text{ }\text{ } 400 \text{ m/s} < V_{S30} \leq V_{ref} \\ c\ln{(\frac{V_{S30}}{V_{ref}})}, \quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{ }\text{ }\text{ } V_{ref} < V_{S30} \leq V_2 \\ c\ln{(\frac{V_2}{V_{ref}})}, \quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{ }\text{ }\text{ } V_2 \leq V_{S30} \end{cases} \label{(3)} \end{equation}

where V1 and V2 represent limiting velocites below- and above-which have different VS30-scaling; Vref is the velocity of the reference site condition (760 m/s); clow, Δc, and c represent the VS30-scaling for very soft soils (100 m/s< VS30 < V1), soft-moderate soils (V1 < VS30 < 400 m/s), and stiff soils (VS30 > V2), respectively; A is a fitting parameter used to ensure continuity between the first and second segments of the model; and coefficeints m and b are derived from regression results of the first two terms to facilitate the transition to SS14 at larger VS30. All coefficients except for Vref are period dependent.


Coefficients in the first two terms of Eq. (3) are obtained by regressing f1 on VS30 for PGV, PGA and PSA at 105 oscillator periods (0.01 – 10 sec) and smoothing is performed across all periods to ensure smooth response spectra; the coefficients c and V2 which appear in the last two terms are taken as c and Vc from SS14; and the coefficients in the third term are derived last. Figure 4 shows non-ergodic site responses for Bay-Delta sites, predictions of SS14, and predictions of the proposed local site response model for four oscillator periods.

Plots of ergodic and proposed VS30-scaling models with data for four spectral periods: 0.2, 0.13, 2.0, and 7.0 seconds.
Figure 4. Smoothed and as-regressed local Delta-specific VS30-scaling model compared to SS14 and observed linear site response for four spectral periods: 0.02 sec (top-left); 0.13 sec (top-right); 2.0 sec (bottom-left); and 7.0 sec (bottom-right).
  • V30-scaling predicted by SS14 does not accurately capture the site response observed in the Delta over a wide frequency range.
  • There is a relatively large scatter in the data, however some trends are consistent:
    1. Short periods (0.01-0.22 s): lower amplification than SS14.
    2. Moderate periods (0.9-3 s): soft soils (VS30 < 200 m/s) exhibit less VS30-scaling than SS14.
    3. Long periods (3-10 s): Delta sites amplify more than what SS14 predicts with soft soild having less VS30-scaling.
  • Implementation of our local Delta-specific linear site response model leads to improved ground motion predictions and a reduction of epistemic uncertainty, however more work is needed before the model can be used in engineering applications.
  • The long-period site response observed from empirical data cannot be captured by ground response analyses, which has been the basis for site response estimation in prior work. This distinction is one example of the value of the present approach.
  • Nonlinear site response effects in the region are expected to be significant, and are being evaluated using ground response analyses with regionally-customized nonlinear dynamic properties of the peat and other soils. The final site response will combine an empirical site amplification model with a simulation-based nonlinear model.
Future Work
  • Our proposed model generally captures the observed site response, reducing uncertainty, however the functional form needs refinment which can be achieved using advanced regression methods (e.g., non-linear mixed-effects).
  • Even with local VS30-scaling, the linear site response model still has room for improvement. We intend to investigate the correlation between f1 and additional site parameters (such as site fundamental period and peat thickness) to develop more sophisitcated model variants.
  • To produce a comprehensive local site response model applicable to hazard level conditions (i.e., strong motions) we must develop a local non-linear model (in progress; discussed elsewhere).
  • Lastly, we plan to run PSHA incorporating regional path (discussed elsewhere) and local site effects for the Delta region.

Funding for this study provided by California Department of Water Resources (DWR), Agreement 4600012415. We gratefully acknowledge this support. We want to particularly acknowledge Mike Driller (DWR), Tim Wheling (DWR), and Nick Novoa (DWR) for their assistance and support. Lastly, we want to acknowledge Ariya Balakrishnan (Division of Safety of Dams), Albert Kottke (Pacific Gas & Electric), Jamie Steidl (University of California, Santa Barbra and United States Geological Survey), and Ivan Wong (Lettis Consultants International) for their participation and guidance serving as advisory personnel.


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